CarboRocket Blog
Understanding Maltodextrin and Dextrose Equivalent: Glucose Spikes and Athletic Performance

Maltodextrin, a common carbohydrate used in sports nutrition, is derived from starches like corn, potato, or rice through a process called hydrolysis. Its primary value lies in its versatility—it can serve as a quick energy source or a more sustained carbohydrate depending on its Dextrose Equivalent (DE). Understanding how DE affects glucose metabolism can help athletes optimize performance and recovery.
We’re Hiring!

Job Opportunity With CarboRocket In Hurricane, UT Are you passionate about endurance sports and looking for a potential long-term career in the sports nutrition industry? We're seeking a dependable, trustworthy self-starter to join our team! Start at the beginning with this position and grow your skill sets and responsibilities as you gain valuable knowledge and experience. About the Role: Part-time position: 20-30 hours per week Full-time in January for right person Fulfill orders Monday through Friday Flexible hours – create your own schedule within business hours Opportunity to shape your role as the company grows Potential involvement in sports expos...
How Much Protein Can Your Muscles Use in One Sitting?

Protein is a macronutrient made up of little building blocks called Amino Acids. Amino Acids are kinda like legos and those legos form the structure of our muscles, joints, bones, tendons, ligaments, hair, antibodies, hormones, enzymes, & both LDL and HDL cholesterol. Basically, we are protein and it's important that we eat plenty of it to optimize our performance as endurance athletes. Every day we exist and especially when we exercise, we put a strain on our muscles, and they break down naturally and then rebuild themselves through a process called protein synthesis. You may or may not...
Should Sugar Be In Your Hydration Drink?

In this article, we explore the role that glucose plays in hydration. Some people have an aversion to having sugar in their hydration drink but if you're serious about rapid hydration, you'll definitely want it. A Brief History In the 1960's a chemist by the name of Dr. Robert K. Crane discovered that the body's ability to absorb sodium was dependent on glucose. When glucose is in the small intestine, sodium is absorbed more quickly, which draws more water into the bloodstream. In other words, the right ratio of glucose and sodium accelerates the rate at which water is absorbed by the...
Gut Training: The Secret to Avoiding GI Issues

Every endurance athlete has likely experienced GI issues at one point. It sucks. It slows you down, and it can kill your performance. The first thing most people look to change is their nutrition regimen and that's important. All of our products were designed to go easy on the GI tract and for most people, that's all they need to get a handle on it. For others though, GI issues remain. Gut Training Studies have been done showing that you can actually "train your gut" to be able to handle a higher intake of carbohydrates without GI problems. We'll dive into the science in a second...